About Us

About us

Welcome to GACCV

Governmetn Arts and Commerce College, Vanthali(Sorath) is established by the Government of Gujarat since from June 2016.Our college affiliated to Bhakat kavi Narsinh Mehta University,Junagadh. College started with a view to imparting value-based education at an effordable cost for the students. College offers eight subjects in Commerce including core and all optional subjects whereas for Arts offers Languages like English,Gujarati,Hindi& Sanskrit and Humanitites subjects like Physocolgy,Sociology,Economics & History. All Faculty Members are either NET/SLET or having P.hd Degree. Our education empowers individuals to challenge conventional thinking in pursuit of original ideas with a commitment to free and open inquiry, our scholars work transform the way we understand the world, advancing – and creating – fields of study.
